The Chairman
…is the “executive director” of the congregation’s total program, responsible that all elected and appointed officer, board, and committees are carrying out their respective responsibilities.
…shall prepare agenda for church council meetings and, after consideration of items by the council, for voters’ meetings,
…shall be an ex officio member of all standing committees and shall personally attend or designate the vice-chairman to attend committee meetings as necessary or advisable.
…shall meet at least once each month with the pastor, and the vice-chairman, if possible, to analyze past progress and plan future efforts and emphases.
…shall delegate definite responsibilities to the vice-chairman.
…together with the pastor and vice-chairman shall discuss needs, ways, and means of officer training-personal conferences, institutes, retreats, workshops, etc.
…shall encourage officers and committee chairmen to make concise written reports and recommendations.
…as directed by congregational resolution or bylaws and subject to required approval, shall make appointments in consultation with the pastor and concerned officers and chairmen on the basis of members’ talents, interest, and willingness.
…shall seek every opportunity to commend “leadership sown” and “job well done” by members of the congregation.
…shall see that meetings are conducted in accordance with good rules of order and that long meetings are avoided.