Responsibilities Of Officers

The Chairman

…is the “executive director” of the congregation’s total program, responsible that all elected and appointed officer, board, and committees are carrying out their respective responsibilities.

…shall prepare agenda for church council meetings and, after consideration of items by the council, for voters’ meetings,

…shall be an ex officio member of all standing committees and shall personally attend or designate the vice-chairman to attend committee meetings as necessary or advisable.

…shall meet at least once each month with the pastor, and the vice-chairman, if possible, to analyze past progress and plan future efforts and emphases.

…shall delegate definite responsibilities to the vice-chairman.

…together with the pastor and vice-chairman shall discuss needs, ways, and means of officer training-personal conferences, institutes, retreats, workshops, etc.

…shall encourage officers and committee chairmen to make concise written reports and recommendations.

…as directed by congregational resolution or bylaws and subject to required approval, shall make appointments in consultation with the pastor and concerned officers and chairmen on the basis of members’ talents, interest, and willingness.

…shall seek every opportunity to commend “leadership sown” and “job well done” by members of the congregation.

…shall see that meetings are conducted in accordance with good rules of order and that long meetings are avoided.

The Vice-Chairman

…shall fulfill responsibilities designated by congregational resolution or bylaws or delegated by the chairman.

…shall assume responsibilities of the chairman in his absence.

…is a member of the Board of Finance.

The Secretary

…shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all permanent minutes, past and present, of the congregation.

…shall faithfully record the permanent minute of meetings of the voters and the church council.

…shall conduct official correspondence of the voters and the church council.

…shall keep an accurate record of attendance at voters’ and council meetings.

…shall be responsible for notifying voters of the date, time, and place of regular and special meetings.

…shall supply “digests” of meetings for the parish paper, church bulletins, etc., as requested.

…shall stand ready upon request to supply information as recorded in church minutes.

The Treasurer

…shall be responsible, together with the financial secretary, for expediting the safe deposit and keeping of all funds.

…shall be responsible for monthly remission of offerings for missions and church agencies and prompt payment of salaries and bills as authorized by the congregation.

…shall be responsible for accurate recording of congregational receipts and disbursements according to proper accounting procedures and, as deemed advisable, shall suggest for congregational consideration improved systems or methods of keeping financial records.

…shall present a written, duplicated financial report at voters’ meeting and a preliminary report at council meetings.

…shall submit permanent financial records for annual audit.

Sunday School Superintendent

…coordinate the work of the Board of Education and DCE with the specific work of the Sunday School program.

…together with the Board of Education and DCE enlist and train Sunday School teachers who are interested, qualified, and enthusiastic about sharing their faith in Christ and the Word of God.

…together with the Board of Education and DCE enlist qualified leaders for the Sunday School music program.

…together with the Board of Education and DCE Analyze and select educational materials which will generate interest and growth by the students.  In accordance with the doctrinal standards and constitution of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

…make sure that adequate supplies for the program are ordered.

…regularly review and analyze the ongoing program of education in the Sunday School to determine its effectiveness.

…annually with the Board of Education and DCE develop, and provide the means to carry out, goals  for the Sunday School program.

…lead and direct the Sunday School teachers in discussion of their needs and the accomplishments of the total program during regular meetings.

…assemble and provide for the teachers a list of willing substitute teachers.

…together with the Board of Education, DCE, and the Sunday School teachers be concerned about and promote the complementary undertakings of the Sunday School department such as; mission projects, special programs, etc.

…encourage attendance and participation of both students and teachers through a program of recognition.

…be responsible for the collection, recording, and deposition of all funds from the Sunday School department.

…make sure that all attendance and registration records are kept up to date.

…carry out other responsibilities assigned by the Board of Education.

Board of Christian Education

…generally be concerned for the Christian nurture of children, youth, and adults in the congregation and, through them in the community and beyond.

…develop general objectives for the total education program and specific objective for each education agency in the congregation-school, Sunday School, weekday school, vacation school, confirmation classes, Bible classes, etc.

…analyze curriculum and performance of each education agency, and seek constant improvement.

…expect things to happen when people dip into God’s transforming Word. Provide for active expressions of Christian love and concern as an integral part of the total education program.

…review existing agencies to determine whether all age groups are being served, and recommend revision and additions as deemed advisable.

…make annual analyses, by age groups, to determine degree of participation of total membership of congregation in its total education program.

…encourage increasing participation of every congregation member in Bible study, privately and in formal and informal groups.

…delegate administration of education agencies to qualified person.

…exercise leadership in properly calling professional teachers.

…enlist, train, place, and continue to train lay teachers and leaders.

…establish a system of commendation for and recognition of faithful service.

…strengthen families as basic units of Christian education and closely relate congregational agencies to the homes through parent-teacher organizations, conferences, etc.

…consider provision of special education opportunities for mentally retarded or other handicapped person.

…be concerned about assimilation of newly confirmed youth into appropriate agencies for study and activity.

…annually examine education facilities and equipment, and make recommendations as to upkeep, repairs, and replacement needed.

…check safety of education facilities---steps, handrails, lights, exits, housekeeping practices, fire drills, etc.

…be concerned for Christian nurture and life of congregational organizations.

…consider special classes, course, conferences, retreats, etc., for special purposes and for special groups.

…maintain, improve, and cultivate use of a church library.

…provide and promote use of audio/visual aids.

…provide and/or promote subscriptions to church periodicals.

…study and adopt or adapt helps suggested by the education department of Synod, District, and Circuit.

…work with organizations and other committees to coordinate educational activities within the congregation. Christians are whole person. Christian nurture and life are one; it cannot be fragmented into church membership, citizenship, education, evangelism, family life, recreation, stewardship, vocation, welfare, etc.

…be good steward of the educational resources of the congregation.

The Property Committee or Board of Trustees

…be concerned with church properties, and recommend needed repairs and improvements.

…carry out all resolutions of the voters’ assembly on purchases, repairs, replacement, etc., of church property and equipment.

…determine and engage, with congregation approval, adequate custodial help. Meet periodically with custodians to discuss care of buildings, needs and problems in custodial services, remuneration, etc.

…negotiate service contracts for organ, office machines, etc.

…determine and establish, with congregation approval, regulations governing use of church property and equipment.

…make and issue keys for church property, and keep and review annually a list of keys issued.

…annually check adequacy of all types of insurance, and negotiate insurance contracts.

…enlist work crews for special repair, improvement, cleaning, painting, decorating, landscaping, and other projects.

…investigate & make recommendations on the possibility of purchasing supplies cooperatively with neighboring churches to achieve large-purchase economies.

…study and recommend policies regarding union labor, fair employment practices, etc., to be applied to suppliers and to the congregation.

…obtain legal information necessary for wise consideration of contracts, deeds, etc., by the congregation.

…sign official documents and contracts that have been negotiated and approved by the congregation.

…make an annual inventory of official documents in safekeeping, and enter it in the official minutes of the congregation. (Insurance policies)

…know the contents and expiration date of the congregation’s articles of incorporation.

…obtain legal information on the laws governing nonprofit organizations.

The Christian Outreach

…foster a climate of evangelism that encourages congregation members informally and spontaneously to witness Christ to one another, to the backsliding, and to the unsaved.

…encourage prayer in church and homes for sincere evangelistic concern toward all people inside and outside the church.

…promote and direct congregation-wide evangelism undertakings.

…occasionally canvass the congregation’s responsibility area.

…be responsible for maintenance of a prospect file.

…maintain as ongoing visitation program, offering people more than membership in a church--a saving relationship with Christ.

…be responsible for enlistment and training of lay visitors.

…before organization of pastor’s classes, conduct special visitations to invite prospective members to attend.

…emphasize evangelism in and through auxiliary organizations. Suggest projects for organizations.

…be genuinely concerned for those moving into the community and for those (both members and prospects) moving into other areas. Use newcomer services. Synod’s referral service, etc.

…utilize the evangelism potential of The Lutheran Hour, This Is The Life, and other programs.

…be concerned for the reception, orientation, and integration of new members. Review their progress after 6 to 12 months.

…be conscious of the atmosphere of friendliness in the congregation, and suggest ways and means of improvement.

…be responsible for a program of community public relations that identifies the congregation with the Gospel of Christ.

…study and adopt or adapt suggestions by the evangelism departments of Synod, District, and the Circuit.

…emphasize evangelism through an intensive every-member education program annually.

…have a working knowledge of the evangelism outreach program of the church.

…designate someone to be responsible to replenish the tract and brochure material at various locations as necessary.

Board of Finance

1.  The Board of Finance shall consist of the Vice-President and Treasurer.

2.  The Board of Finance shall establish the working budget for each year and submit it to the Voting Assembly for final approval.

3.  The Board of Finance shall also serve as the Welfare Committee re: helping hands for members and non-members who are in need, financially or otherwise. The Board of Finance will make the decision re:  assistance and use money which is budgeted for that purpose.

4.  The Chairman of the Board of Finance who is the Vice-Chairman of the Congregation shall appoint money counts who will count each week’s receipts in the Church Office.

Usher Chairman

1.  Shall be at the Worship service at least 15 minutes prior to the service.

2.  Shall set up a schedule for the year, listing, if possible, names and phone numbers of the ushers. This list shall be given to the Secretary so that she may note the names of the ushers assigned for a particular service.

3.  Shall supervise the corps of Ushers for each month. (They are to hand out bulletins and other materials which pertain to the service.)

4.  Shall inform his ushers that they are to have hymnals and other materials in order. The Usher Chairman who is responsible for the 8 a.m. service shall inform his ushers to have the sanctuary ready for the next service. Usher Chairman for the 10:30 a.m. service shall inform his ushers that they are to have hymnals in order, place extra bulletins in the card rack in the Narthex and remove other materials and place them in the office following the service.

5.  The Usher Chairman shall inform his ushers that they are to check lights and heat or air conditioning before and after the worship service. After the 10:30 a.m. service, the Usher Chairman, shall inform this ushers to check that lights are off and heat and/or air conditioning either shut off or temperature controls adjusted so that a minimum of heat and/or air conditioning be used during the time the sanctuary is not used.

6.  The Usher Chairman shall inform his ushers to assist people re: restroom facilities, water fountains, etc.

7.  The Usher Chairman shall inform his ushers to help greet people.

8.  The Usher Chairman or his replacement shall assist the Pastor with Baptisms and the Elders with Holy Communion.

9.  The Usher Chairman shall place offering in the safe or appoint an usher to perform that task.

Board of Elders

…has as its special concern the spiritual welfare of congregation members, individually and corporately.

…shall collectively and individually pray regularly for their pastor and other spiritual leaders.

…by word and action shall encourage their pastor in his work.

…shall stand ready at all times to help the pastor in difficult problems of his special ministry.

…shall be concerned about the spiritual, emotional, and physical health and welfare of the pastor and  his family (adequate compensation, housing, free time, vacation, assistance I times of illness, etc.,).

…shall be responsible, with the pastor for arranging pulpit and altar assistance, guest speakers, and special services.

…shall be concerned with congregation members’ attendance at the public worship of God and use of the sacraments, and shall establish a personal calling program on those who become lax or delinquent in worship, participation in Holy Communion, or baptism of newborn children.

…shall be concerned for aged and shut-in members and establish a program of visitation by fellow members and responsible elder.

…shall be concerned about thorough instruction of youth and adults for confirmation and church membership, in accordance with policies and aims recommended by the education committee. The Board of Elders will consult with the Board of Education.

…shall be responsible for friendly personal welcome, orientation, and integration of new members, in coordination with the Christian Management and Evangelism committees. Will consult especially with the Board of Christian Management (Stewardship).

…shall be concerned about member conservation and discipleship.

…shall analyze at least once each year the condition of hymnals, pews, lights, ventilation, heat, etc., and recommend improvements.

…shall analyze at least once each year the private worship of congregation members and plan ways and means to encourage and help members to more meaningful worship in home and personal life.

…shall prayerfully, conscientiously, and diligently carry out church discipline, in accord with the Word of God and a full understanding of the purpose and importance of church discipline.

…shall be responsible to establish a calling program in which the responsible elder would call on all members of his group at least once per year.

…shall be responsible for all duties associated with communion services.

…shall have as a special concern as a board, the welfare of widows, women alone, and orphans of the congregation.

The Christian Management Committee/Board shall

…conduct a program annually to acquaint every member personally with basic Biblical stewardship principles.

…encourage the Gospel-motivated practice of joyous, generous first fruits giving in response to received blessings and recognized needs.

…annually give every member an opportunity to make a commitment of his treasure for Kingdom work through the congregation.

…maintain a program to discover and enlist for Kingdom service the talents God has given members, old and new, youth and adults.

…provide opportunities for the development of talents (training courses, workshops, etc).

…foster support for missions and charities through an ongoing program of mission information and education.

…analyze the makeup of the congregation and community to determine program needs and share with appropriate boards and committees.

…give serious thought each year to (1) what is God’s purpose for this congregation in this community and (2) what is God’s purpose for each member in his circumstances.

…encourage and assist leaders of auxiliary organizations in an analysis of each organization to evaluate its purpose and function. Long Range Planning Committee

…suggest Scriptural emphases and discussion topics, in the area of stewardship to auxiliary organizations or other committees.

…study and adopt or adapt suggestions by stewardship departments of Synod or District.