About Little Lambs
Mark 10:14 “Jesus said, ‘let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for such is the kingdom of God’”.
Children are a great example of the child-like faith that God expects of us. It is why He says children are a picture of the Kingdom of God.
Here at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church we strive to provide a safe, Christ centered environment for the children of God to come and learn beginning life skills as well as Jesus' love for them in a Christian dwelling in Little Lambs Preschool.
It is important for children to learn social skills through developing friendships, intellectual skills through numbers, letters, art, and science and spiritual skills through God’s Word, knowing Jesus and living the life that He has given us according to his will. We want to help children succeed in life with Jesus in their hearts.
Mrs. Arndt and Mrs. Ferry work hard to ensure such a place is ready for your little ones. They love the children and do an amazing job. We hope and pray that you will consider allowing your child to be part of our Little Lambs family and all the faith, fun and love that comes with it.
The Little Lambs Preschool is accepting registrations for the next school year. Contact Little Lambs Preschool at 515-576-6308 or littlelambs@goodshepfortdodge.org for more information and/or to enroll a child in one of the classes. You can also see more information in the handbook by going to the Little Lambs Parent Handbook page. For copies of the Little Lambs forms, click on the following links. (To view the forms, you need a PDF reader program. If you do not have such a program, you can obtain one free of charge at sites such as Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader).