Learning in God's Word

Sunday School

Jesus says in Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

We know that we have a vertical relationship with God in Worship.  That means we receive His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation through the hearing of His Word and the administration of His sacraments; namely Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  We also have a horizontal relationship with God as we go out from worship and we continue to learn about Him by reading our Bibles and attending Bible Studies.

Sunday school is a place where this horizontal relationship happens and is a very important part of the Christian life.  Brothers and sisters in Christ of all ages come together not only to hear about God and His love for us, but also to have interaction and discussion with one another about what God’s Word is telling us. 

We hear about other people’s experiences with the topics we discuss and how God’s Word has helped get people through tough times.  As we listen and share, we come to a deeper understanding of God’s Word and find ourselves more equipped to go out into the world to tell people about Jesus.  Below you will find many different opportunities not only for children but also for adults to engage in learning about our Lord and what He has done for us.

Sunday school for the children is a great place for them to start their foundation in God’s Word. They begin with the Nursery Class for three-year-olds and range up to twelfth grade. We take seriously Christ's command to "Feed my lambs." Sunday morning sessions offer an opportunity to share the Gospel in ways appropriate to the age of each class. While the schedule varies somewhat from week to week, common activities include:

  • Hearing a Bible story
    • A story may be read, told with videos, puppets or in a variety of other ways, but the Good News of Jesus Christ will be communicated.
  • Making something
    • A Bible-oriented craft or activity is something special for younger students. Older students complete workbook activities or respond to the Gospel message through other ways.
  • Singing
    • Sunday School students may be involved in sharing special music during the school year.  Also, there is a Christmas program put on the by children and adults in December.
  • Memorizing
    • We want children to remember the Word of God through the memorization of some Bible verses. We learn more about the Lord's Prayer, Commandments, Apostle's Creed, Baptism and Communion through Luther's Small Catechism.

In addition to our Sunday school classes, our worship services are "child-friendly." Non-communion services have a Children's Message in order to bring God’s Word in a way for children to best understand.

Youth Catechism Classes

For Children to build upon the foundation started in Sunday school it is good to attend Catechism classes.  Children in the congregation between grades three and eight attend these classes which leads to the Rite of Confirmation. The classes begin in the fall and continue until late in April.

We take these opportunities to teach the children what the Church teaches within the topics of the Ten Commandments, Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Confession, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.

We know that in our day time can be short.  To help with that we provide meals on Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. with class starting at 6 p.m. 

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

VBS is a great time of the year for children to get together to have fun and learn about Jesus.  Children from age 3 through the 6th grade participate in a program of Bible lessons, singing, crafts, and recreation. Sessions are held during the summer on specific dates which are announced well in advance. There is a program during the final session.  Oh, and remember I mentioned fun, yeah, we put vtogether a huge slip n slide for our grassy hill on the east side.  It is fun!

We strive to reach non-churched children. Sunday School children are encouraged to invite their friends, churched and non-churched.

Adult Information Classes

We like to bring in new members of all ages.  These classes are designed for adults interested in becoming members of Good Shepherd or anyone just wanting to brush up on their knowledge of Christian doctrine. We would love to have you. The church office (573-3174) can be contacted for more information, including schedules for the classes.

Adult Bible Study

As mentioned before Sunday School is not just for children, we want adults to attend also.  The Adult Bible Study group meets each Sunday morning throughout the year.  We study several topics in society, as well as various books of the Bible.

Wait we are not done yet.  A Men's Bible Study group meets weekly at 7:00 AM on Thursday mornings. Also, there is a Thursday night men’s Bible study once a month.

In the fall and in the spring there is a Thursday night Women's Bible Study at 6:30pm.